Saturday, June 26, 2010

It's good to be The Blog Fairy's mother!

I am currently here in San Antonio, visiting The Blog Fairy (and her little fairies and the big...guy). Tonight she visited my blog, waved her magic wand, and moved me to the top of her 14-week waiting queue. Don't you love it????

We are having a wonderful visit. Liza and Riley were also here all week and it was so nice to spend time with Riley while her mom attended a work conference. I will be flying home on Monday...with Abby. We will leave for Anaheim on Tuesday and St. George on Friday. There will be lots of photos to post when I return.


  1. Very cute makeover! can't wait to see you guys.

  2. You are very forunate to have the Blog Fairy for a daughter. Can I be her Aunt?

  3. Love the new look! Can't wait to for our trip!

  4. Emily certainly has a talent! Travel safe!
