Monday, January 18, 2010

It isn't easy to take a picture of yourself in a mirror


Yesterday, while getting ready for church, I took a good look in the mirror and realized that I am developing "puppet face."  "Puppet face" is when the creases that run from your nose to the corner of your mouth start spreading past the corner of your mouth, all the way to your chin.  Like a windshield crack that spreads a little more each time you hit a bump.  I think I must be hitting a lot of bumps lately.  "Puppet face" is the natural result of a fifty-six year long battle between elasticity and gravity.  Gravity, it appears, is gaining the upper hand.

I am in good company:


dummy1 jeffrey_r_holland_MD


  1. Prettiest puppet face I ever saw! I actually think this is a good picture of you!

  2. Your in good company all except for Hilary, she looks terrible. You look good and it seems to me that you have lost weight. Good for you girl!!!

  3. You kind of have a Spencerish smirk going on there.

  4. Beautiful Skinny Amazing Lady! (I'm talking about YOU - not Hillary :0) Can't wait to come over tonight! I've missed your presentations!

  5. You make puppet look good! Hillary on the other hand...someone get a bag for that puppet face.
