Sunday, October 21, 2007

Man of the Century

Yesterday, Carl achieved something that I am fairly sure none of the rest of us will ever duplicate. To quote him, "It was the hardest thing I've ever done." In fact, he described it as "hellacious." (Should a high councilman be saying that word?) He rode in the Kern Wheelmen's annual "Spooktacular Century Ride." Apparently, a century bike ride is one that is at least 100 miles long. This one was 102 miles, to the top of Breckenridge Mountain and back. The course included 10,000 feet in elevation climbs. (Breckenridge Mountain is not 10,000 feet high as I thought when I first heard this. The 10,000 feet is accounted for by adding up all of the ups and downs.) Not only did he ride a bike over 100 miles, he did it in a 40 mph wind, with drizzling rain and 40 degree cold! This particular ride is ranked in the top ten most difficult century rides in the country. More than half of those who started the race failed to finish. But not our Carl!!! He not only finished the race, but came home, showered, and went to work at the Norris Elementary School Carnival. He's my hero, and I'm proud to be his ghost blogger!


  1. Way to go Carl! You definitely deserve the "Most Sportiest Reed" award. That is really an awesome accomplishment. See, if you had a blog this would be the perfect thing to post on there. Embrace the blog.

  2. Carl you are a beast. I nominate you to be one of the oxen when we have to go to Missouri. Congratulations. You put a lot of work into it.

  3. Carl I am so proud of you. Who knew you had it in you?!?!?! Way to go bro!
