Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Report from Clementland

Like me, I'm sure the rest of you are sick to death of "Kittens Inspired by Kittens."  If that reference is lost on you, then you are not (or I should say WERE not) a follower of Liza's highly entertaining blog.  Who can forget her report on borrowing the TV weather guy's tie or going with her girlfriends to a Mexican wrestling event?  Or, my personal favorite, her tale of being invited to join the local roller derby team?  Sadly, those memories are in the distant past as she abandoned her blog fans on February 14, 2009.  Those of us who don't follow her on Facebook have been left to eat her dust.

Fortunately, I still have something of an "in" with her and was able to score some new photos recently.  The first three are from her ward's recent nativity project.  As activities committee chairman, Liza was in charge of this very successful missionary activity.  They gave out hundreds of pass along cards tied to bags of  Hershey kisses.   Maybe you will recognize a certain young shepherd...

IMG_0855IMG_0852IMG_0840 The next three pictures are of the Clement women.  Sadly, there are no pictures of Jerm but I understand that he is as handsome as ever.

IMG_0899 IMG_0890IMG_0882  All I can do is offer proof that the Clements are alive and well.  I can't make up the stories...


  1. Is this a guilt trip???????

    The roller derby story is my favorite, also. I have a wonderful picture in my mind of Liza wearing knee and elbow pads zinging around the track knocking other skaters down.

  2. thanks for the update. Your grandkids are so cute - I wish we lived closer so my kids could play with them.

  3. Sooo cute I miss those guys! Morgie reminds me of Alvie a bit.
