Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Twelve days late...but worth the wait!

She's finally here!!!  Simone Rebecca Rossetto was born at 6:06 this evening.  She weighs 6 lbs. 11 ozs. and is 20.5 inches long.  She is a beautiful little peanut, and a VERY calm, alert baby.  She has quite a bit of dark hair which appears to be  curly.  Clare's delivery was not overly long or unusually difficult and everyone is doing well. 

We have come full circle...all of our children are now parents. 

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  1. Oh my goodness I'm so jealous!!! I want to hold her next. She is precious...

  2. We are soooo happy for Chris and Clare! Cant wait to see her in person!

  3. So cute! Wish we were there to see her.

    And who's that cute skinny grandma holding her? :)

  4. Congratulations Chris and Clare-so happy for you!!!! She is beautiful!!!!!
