Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Report From Utah

We had a fine trip to Utah for Grandma's seventy-fifth birthday. Despite a broken arm, she shopped and lunched with Sarah and me and was the center of attention at a Golden Corral birthday feast. We also enjoyed a Sunday afternoon visit to Gunlock to share a meal with Sean's family and meet their new "puppy." Unfortunately, x-rays taken on Tuesday showed that Grandma's arm is not mending straight, so instead of a cast, she will need to have an out-patient surgery on Friday, to repair the break with pins. I know that she would appreciate everyone's prayers and good wishes. While in Utah, we were able to confirm that Sarah is, indeed, pregnant (due Oct. 15). Ashton continues to make suggestions for naming his baby brother. His two latest ideas are "Shirley" and "Sean Hannity."

Our trip home was without incident until we got about 30 miles from home and blew out a rear tire. Not wanting to wait the estimated two and a half hours it would take for the cavalry to arrive, we changed it ourselves and made it back to Bakersfield in time to pick up my car from the mechanic's where it was being fitted with a new fuel pump. Rushing home to change clothes and drop off Newton, we arrived at the stake center in plenty of time to participate in Carl's ordination to the office of high priest and his setting apart as a member of the stake high council. A beautiful ending to a lovely holiday weekend.


  1. Boy... Grandma's dog sure has grown!

  2. Sarah looks VERY pregnant in one pic and not so pregnant in the other... wierd.
